Refund Policy
Our store's policy on refunds and reshipments of products purchased from us aims to provide customers with security and peace of mind!

We refund the amount paid for the order in accordance with the situations below:

Under what circumstances do we offer Refunds:
Cancelled the purchase before shipping
Order arrived with defect
Purchase Regret
Product broke due to manufacturing defect
Terms and Conditions
Period for regret, defect: 7 days according to the consumer code
Deadline to request manufacturing defect: Maximum period of 30 days
Ways to refund the amount paid for the order:
Credit Card Chargeback: This chargeback may appear on up to two invoices after the return is completed by the payment gateway.
TED: Transfer to the customer's account that can be made within 10 business days after confirmation of the return. THE TRANSFER CANNOT BE MADE TO A THIRD PARTY'S ACCOUNT.
PIX: Transfer via pix key linked to our client's bank account, we will not make transfers to third parties.
Cases of Purchase Regret before the order is shipped
What customers need to do:
Send an email to and in the body of the email inform:

Reason for Refund
Order number
Email registered at purchase
Example of how to send your email:

Reason for Refund: Purchase cancellation;
Order number: #12345;
Email registered during purchase:;
Once this is done, we will analyze your request and then refund the amount paid for the order according to your payment method and send you an email confirming the refund.

Case of purchase regret after the order has arrived
What customers need to do:
Send an email to and in the body of the email inform:

Product name
Order number
Email registered at purchase
Customer request
Example of how to send your email:

Product Name: Leather Jacket;
Order number: #12345;
Email registered during purchase:;
Customer Request: I regret my purchase and would like to return the product and get my money back;
Once you have sent the information above, we will analyze your request and then:

A return label will be generated and sent via email for the customer to send the product to our address at no cost.
The customer will be responsible for packaging the product, sticking the label on the back of the package and sending the product within 7 days.
When the product arrives at our address, we will refund the amount paid for the order according to your payment method and we will inform you by email.
Defect Case
What customers need to do:
Send an email to and in the body of the email inform:

Product name
Order number
Email registered at purchase
Product Defect
Customer request
Video/Photo proving the product defect
Example of how to send your email:

Product Name: Leather Jacket;
Order number: #12345;
Email registered during purchase:;
Product Defect: The leather jacket came with holes;
Customer Request: I would like to request a refund;
Video/Photo: Send an attached video or photo showing the defect;
Once you have sent the information above, we will analyze your request and then:

A return label will be generated and sent via email for the customer to send the product to our address at no cost.
The customer will be responsible for packaging the product, sticking the label on the back of the package and sending the product within 7 days.
When the product arrives at our address:
If the request is for a refund: We will refund the amount paid for the order according to your payment method and we will inform you by email.
If the request is for exchange/replacement: We will send the new product as per the customer's request and the tracking code for the new product will be sent by email.

Contact for support:

Phone: +55 (31) 97364-1711
Address: Maestro George Marinuzzi Street, 161, Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais - ZIP Code: 30840-620
Hours: 08:00 to 20:00 - Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 15:00 - Saturday, Brasília time (Except Sunday and holidays).